Top 9 foods for managing macular degeneration

Top 9 foods for managing macular degeneration

Macular degeneration is a condition in which the retina’s central portion (macula) deteriorates. The macula is responsible for recording images one sees before they are sent to the brain. Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss, usually affecting people over 65. However, the condition can also develop in younger individuals due to genetic factors. One could make better food choices to manage the symptoms of this condition and improve eye health. Salmon Adding fish like salmon to one’s meal plan may significantly help improve eye health. Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and proteins—essential nutrients that encompass each cell in the body. Moreover, salmon is rich in a type of omega-3 fatty acid called DHA, which is commonly found in the retina and the brain. Other fish varieties that may help maintain eye health include sardines, anchovies, and mackerel. Broccoli Multiple types of leafy green vegetables, including broccoli, can provide the necessary nutrients to maintain eye health. One can also choose other healthy veggies, like bell peppers and Brussels sprouts, that are rich in vitamins A, C, and E, which help the body fight and prevent cellular damage. Carrots One of the carrot’s primary benefits for people with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is its antioxidant called beta-carotene.
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Tips to prevent age-related macular degeneration

Tips to prevent age-related macular degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration is a degenerative condition that primarily affects people over 50. This disorder thins and deteriorates the macula, the area of the eye that produces the clearest, most detailed vision. Early detection and treatment can lower the chances of permanent vision loss. Simple lifestyle changes, such as eating healthier and exercising regularly, can significantly reduce the risk of AMD. Here are a few simple lifestyle modifications that can help prevent the condition. Lifestyle modification tips to prevent age-related macular degeneration Maintain a normal blood pressure level Hypertension promotes AMD by decreasing blood flow to the vascular layer of the eye, known as the choroid. The lack of oxygen in the eye accelerates the deterioration and increases the risk of wet AMD and central vision loss. It is preferable to keep blood pressure under control to avoid this situation. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, avoiding fried foods, eating well, and exercising regularly can all help keep blood pressure under control. Although this condition has nothing to do with weight, a body mass index of 30 can make it worse, so it is preferable to keep a low BMI. Consume more antioxidant-rich foods Antioxidants are chemicals that prevent or reduce free radical damage to cells.
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Top laundry detergent brands and tips to consider

Top laundry detergent brands and tips to consider

Every household uses laundry detergent regularly to take care of various cleaning tasks and to keep clothes clean, fresh, and odor-free after each wash. However, every detergent is unique and has multiple benefits and drawbacks. Some detergents can also cause allergies, so finding a detergent that meets all your needs while leaving your clothes soft and fluffy is essential. Here are a few highly efficient laundry detergents and their features to consider. Top laundry detergent brands  Hygienic Clean Heavy 10x Duty Power PODS These pods are designed to effectively penetrate the fibers and the spaces between them. It dissolves and removes body oils and other unwanted substances that are invisible to the naked eye. In terms of cleaning effectiveness, it outperforms all other detergents. Even without using bleach, it makes white t-shirts and bedding whiter. These large Power Pods, which contain more cleaning agents than two regular pods, are an excellent choice for families who wash a lot of clothes on a regular basis. The only disadvantage is that the pods may be too large for light loads. ProClean + Stain Fighter Liquid Laundry Detergent When it comes to liquid detergents, Persil ProClean is an excellent choice. It works well to remove stains when used with cold water, and switching to a cold washing method can help save electricity.
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Atrial fibrillation – Causes, symptoms, and management tips

Atrial fibrillation – Causes, symptoms, and management tips

The human heart is susceptible to several health complications, including atrial fibrillation (AFib). The condition is the most common type of treated heart arrhythmia, which is a term describing when the heart beats unusually slowly, fast, or irregularly. AFib is estimated to affect between 2.7 million to 6.1 million individuals in the country. An individual with the complication experiences irregular beating in the heart’s upper chambers, affecting blood flow, leading to health complications. Causes Irregularities in the structure of the heart are the most common cause of atrial fibrillation. Sometimes people may develop the condition without any known heart damage or problems. Risk factors like age may also contribute to the development of atrial fibrillation. Other potential causes of the phenomenon include a heart attack, sick sinus syndrome – issues with the heart’s natural pacemaker, coronary artery disease, congenital heart defect – A heart defect that an individual might be born with, high blood pressure, lung diseases, heart valve problems, use of stimulants, including certain prescriptions and caffeine, physical stress caused due to pneumonia, other illnesses, and also surgery, sleep apnea, overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), metabolic imbalances, viral infections, and complications due to earlier heart surgery. Symptoms A person who develops atrial fibrillation may not notice symptoms, and the condition is detected only after a physical examination.
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Kidney disease management – Things to keep in mind

Kidney disease management – Things to keep in mind

The kidneys are bean-shaped organs that perform various critical functions inside the human body. They help filter blood, eradicate waste through urine, maintain fluid balance, balance minerals, and produce hormones. However, certain conditions may affect kidneys’ functioning, leading to more severe health risks. Certain risk factors are associated with kidney disorders, the prominent ones being high blood pressure and diabetes. Some common symptoms, causes, and management of kidney disease are detailed below. Common symptoms More than one in seven adults, or nearly 37 million people in the country, suffers from chronic kidney disease (CKD) – a type of kidney disorder. Initially, it is challenging to find out the symptoms. Some early indicators and symptoms of kidney disease are fatigue, sleeping troubles, dry and itchy skin, breathlessness, muscle cramps, vomiting and nausea, changes in urination patterns, loss of appetite, and swelling in the ankles and feet. As kidney disease progresses and leads to kidney failure, the symptoms that develop include rashes, fever, nosebleeds, severe abdominal and back pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.  Causes Multiple causes are associated with kidney disease, including high blood pressure, diabetes, vasculitis, cardiovascular diseases, genetics, age, and autoimmune diseases. High blood pressure High blood pressure is a prominent cause of kidney disease as it damages the blood vessels and reduces blood supply to the kidneys.

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Atopic dermatitis – Symptoms and management tips

Atopic dermatitis – Symptoms and management tips

Atopic dermatitis (or eczema) is a skin disease that can cause constant itching or redness. An estimated 31.6 million people in the country are said to be living with some form of eczema. Multiple factors play a role in the development of atopic dermatitis. Although not contagious, it is a chronic condition, so one can experience multiple flare-ups during their lifetime. The condition is common among children, but it can also affect adults. Symptoms The skin disease may develop anywhere on the body, and its signs can differ from one person to the next. The condition often surfaces before age 5, and its symptoms can last well into one’s teen and adult years. Some individuals may even experience flare-ups that clear up for a few days, months, or years. The most common symptoms of eczema are Pruritus or itchiness Rashes or swollen skin, which can differ in appearance based on the color of the skin Dry or cracked skin Thickened skin Crusted, scaly patches Oozing skin discharge Raw, sensitive skin due to scratching Tiny bumps Darkening of the skin around the eyes Causes and triggers The exact cause of atopic dermatitis is yet to be determined. But the skin disease could result from genetic mutations that affect the skin’s ability to protect itself.
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Fighting Wrinkly Skin – Causes, Remedies, and Food Options

Fighting Wrinkly Skin – Causes, Remedies, and Food Options

Aging is a natural process characterized by several physical and mental changes. Wrinkles and fine lines are among the first and most common physical signs reflecting one’s transition to old age. With time, these typically become more pronounced, affecting the skin’s texture. On the bright side, wrinkles are easily reversible with consistent healthcare, natural remedies, and a few lifestyle changes. This article provides an in-depth insight into wrinkles, their causes, natural remedies, and food options. How can you identify wrinkles? Wrinkles are creases or ridges appearing on the skin’s surface, typically due to aging. With age, the skin tends to lose its elasticity, progressively thinner and drier, resulting in fine lines or wrinkles. Although wrinkles are often associated with the face, they may also appear in other areas, such as the arms and neck. However, the first wrinkles typically appear on muscles regulating facial expressions, such as the corners of the eyes and mouth. Causes of wrinkles Aging Wrinkles are synonymous with aging and result from loss of skin flexibility. With time, the skin eventually dries up, and the lack of moisture can cause issues like crow’s feet around the eyes and fine lines around the mouth. Exposure to UV rays UV rays contribute to the development of free radicals in the skin, destroying its elastin fibers and leading to the development of wrinkles.
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Simple ways to naturally whiten teeth at home

Simple ways to naturally whiten teeth at home

White teeth can be a confidence booster and enhance one’s smile. But the teeth may lose their shine and become dull due to aging, plaque accumulation, acidic food intake, and poor hygiene. Besides, gum diseases and genetics also play a role. Therefore, many treatments claim to whiten teeth, but natural remedies are safer and help maintain optimal oral health in the long run. Below are some effective natural remedies that can help whiten one’s teeth. What causes teeth to discolor? The outermost covering of one’s teeth, called enamel, serves as a protective white layer for the deeper tooth structures. When the enamel wears off, the yellow-brown bone tissues underneath it, called dentin, begin to show. Enamel eroding can lead to discoloration, tooth sensitivity, and cavities. Ways to protect enamel and white teeth naturally Brush twice a day Toothbrushing is a simple and common oral hygiene task that ensures the longevity of one’s teeth and their whitening. Doctors recommend brushing twice daily for a couple of minutes in a circular motion into all the cracks and crevices. It’s important to brush gently so one does not affect the enamel or accidentally hurt the gums. One is advised not to brush immediately after consuming acidic foods and drinks since the acids can brush away the enamel.
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9 easy and effective ways to cut back on sugar

9 easy and effective ways to cut back on sugar

Uncontrolled sugar intake can pose many risks to the human body’s healthy functioning in the long run. Due to busy schedules, many people opt for packaged foods as their food items, and not to mention desserts are always a source of joy. Therefore, avoiding sugar from one’s daily meal plan is hard. However, there are many ways in which a person can ensure that their daily sugar intake is under control. Going through product labels Earlier, food labels would indicate the number of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, sugars, and vitamins a particular food carries. However, recent amendments mandate brands to specify in such labels the amount of added sugar each packet contains. It gives a customer a clearer picture of where the sugar is coming from. Furthermore, it allows us to know whether or not the food we eat is naturally sweet or made so. The added sugar section of food labels helps us identify the actual quantity of sugar we are taking in and help us find alternatives that are healthier for our mind and body. Avoiding sugar in drinks Beverages are one of the most common sources of excessive sugar intake. It is postulated that a single can of soft drink packs about ten spoonfuls of sugar, which is higher than the recommended quantity permitted daily.
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Key facts about kidney disease and its management

Key facts about kidney disease and its management

The kidneys perform many critical functions; besides expelling toxins from the body, the kidneys can help maintain the electrolyte and fluid balance in the body. However, the kidneys can get damaged as a result of health conditions and may not be able to perform these essential functions. When left untreated, kidney disease may lead to serious complications. So, it is important to recognize early signs, get regularly examined, and prevent such diseases.  What is kidney disease? Just like any other organ, kidneys are also susceptible to damage. The term kidney disease is used to define any abnormality in the functioning of one or both kidneys. According to the Kidney International Supplements Journal, a peer-reviewed journal, more than 800 million people around the world are affected by kidney disease. As the kidneys lose their ability to function, it may lead to the accumulation of waste, and dangerous levels of toxins in the body can result in further complications. Signs In its initial stages, kidney disease may not present any apparent symptoms. The signs usually appear once the condition has advanced and fluids start building up in the system. However, some signs that one must look out for are: Muscle cramps Feeling fatigued without exertion Loss of appetite Swelling in the ankles, feet, or legs Urinating less than normal Trouble sleeping Tingling in the toes or fingers Dry and itchy skin Puffiness around the eyes, usually after waking up in the morning Frequent urge to urinate at night Causes Here are some major risk factors for developing kidney-related issues:
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Eczema – Types, symptoms, causes, and management

Eczema – Types, symptoms, causes, and management

Eczema is a prevalent skin disease that causes the skin to become dry, flaky, itchy, and bumpy. It mainly weakens the skin barrier, which is responsible for keeping the skin moisturized and protecting the body from external elements. When this barrier does not function efficiently, it can lead to inflammation and trigger various signs and symptoms. Read on to learn about eczema, its types, symptoms, causes, treatments, and helpful natural remedies. Types There are different types of this skin disease, each with unique triggers that can affect the functioning of the skin barrier. Some common examples are: Atopic dermatitis This disorder is characterized by skin discoloration and the formation of itchy patches on the skin. Many people develop atopic dermatitis in childhood and face flare-ups through adulthood. While it has no cure, one can manage the symptoms with treatment. Contact dermatitis Contact dermatitis is an allergic reaction caused due an allergen or irritant. It is not contagious and can be prevented. Dyshidrotic eczema It is a condition that leads to blisters on the skin. Individuals may also experience itching and discomfort. Several things can trigger dyshidrotic eczema, including allergies and stress, but the most common trigger is sweaty palms and feet.
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10 types of laundry detergents for fresh clothes

10 types of laundry detergents for fresh clothes

A good detergent will leave your clothes stain-free, odor-free, and fresh-looking. And when it comes to choosing the best laundry detergent, there are endless options available in the market that promise fresh, fluffy, and clean clothes. Also, as there is no universal laundry detergent, you might need to buy a different kind of detergent for your fabrics. Therefore, here are some of the primary laundry detergents you should know about. Powder detergents Powder detergent is a popular choice among all the options. The detergent comprises tiny particles that dissolve quickly in water and soften hard water. This type of detergent is also cheaper compared to liquids and pods. Powder detergent is effective for heavily soiled clothes, such as grass, clay, or mud stains. The detergent also comes in eco-friendly packaging and can be used for machine and hand washing. Powder detergent also has a better shelf life and must be stored in a dry area. A drawback of powder detergent is that it does not always dissolve at lower temperatures. Also, the detergent can leave residue on the fabrics if not rinsed properly. Liquid detergents Liquid detergents are easy to use and are great for pre-treating stains before washing. This type of detergent dissolves quickly, even in cold water.
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Dental implants – Types, benefits, and cost

Dental implants – Types, benefits, and cost

Getting a dental implant might be a good option if you have tooth problems or need to replace missing or unhealthy teeth. Implants have been gaining recognition since the 1970s, and around six percent of our country’s population has them. They help improve a person’s quality of life and can be a valuable investment in the long term. This post details the critical aspects of dental implants you must know before opting for the procedure. What are dental implants? Dental implants are tiny devices surgically implanted into the jaw that helps restore the capability to chew in people with missing teeth. They look like natural teeth, making it hard to tell the difference. Typically, an implant consists of three parts: an abutment, the dental implant body, and the abutment screw. The implant body is inserted into the jawbone in place of the tooth’s root. Then, the abutment is connected to the body with the help of the dental abutment screw. The abutment supports the attached artificial teeth by extending through the gums in the mouth. What are the types of dental implants? Implants can be of different types, so individuals must consider their dental problems when choosing a particular option.
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