12 common signs of poor lung health

12 common signs of poor lung health

An occasional cough or slight wheezing after climbing up a flight of stairs is normal. However, if there is a constant breathing issue, it can be a sign of weak lungs. This can happen due to several undiagnosed respiratory conditions, such as asthma, pneumonia, pulmonary edema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary embolism, bronchitis, and pulmonary fibrosis. Several common symptoms usually precede all of these conditions. Here are a few common signs indicating weak lungs.

Difficulty in exercising
One of the most common signs of poor lung health is experiencing difficulties while exercising. Whether running, walking, swimming, cycling, or just running a flight of stairs, it becomes difficult to do any exercise routine. Doing any physical activity makes one out of breath pretty quickly. This happens when the lungs are weak and cannot breathe enough oxygen. As a result, the oxygen levels drop, making one breathless sooner.

Pain in the shoulders
This is one of the most easily recognizable symptoms of pulmonary embolism and lung cancer. It is a sharp pain that shoots up near the neck. Over time, it radiates towards the upper arm and the upper back. The pain starts from forming a blood clot or tumor in any of the lungs’ arteries. As a result, there is blockage against blood and oxygen flow. This triggers the pain indicating declining lung health.

Excess mucus in the throat
Various lung conditions can result in the overproduction of mucus in the nasal passage and throat, leading to a thick layer of mucus in the chest or lungs that persists for over a month. This can range from mild lung infections to more severe cases of pneumonia. The body typically produces excess phlegm as a defense against irritants or infections. It’s advisable to seek guidance from a medical professional if you experience chronic mucus production.

A change in voice
When the lungs are weak, they lose their ability to exhale air efficiently due to a lack of strength, causing a change in one’s voice where the voice becomes softer. This can also happen due to a condition known as paradoxical vocal cord dysfunction. Because of this condition, the vocal cords do not function normally, changing how one’s voice sounds. The symptoms are similar to that of asthma.

Shortness of breath
Asthma, pulmonary hypertension, COPD, and pulmonary fibrosis can cause shortness of breath. Sometimes, an infection of the lungs can also cause one to feel short of breath. If one experiences this symptom for weeks or months, it is essential to consult a primary care doctor. The doctor can determine the exact cause of this symptom by noting the duration for which one feels breathlessness.

Frequent wheezing
Wheezing is strained or noisy breathing. It is generally indicative of something blocking the airwaves in the lungs. It can also be a sign of the airways becoming narrow. The wheezing becomes worse at night, disrupting sleep. In some cases, severe wheezing is experienced after doing any physical activity. This symptom is usually observed among those with asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, and COPD.

Pain in the chest
If chest pain lasts more than a couple of weeks or more than a month, it can be a sign of poor lung health. In such situations, paying attention to when pain intensity becomes severe is essential. For example, some people experience extreme chest pain when laughing or coughing. Taking deep breaths can also cause some pain.

Chronic cough
A cough that lasts for a couple of weeks due to flu or sore throat is normal. However, a chronic cough lasting over a month could mean the lungs are not functioning normally. It can be a symptom of an underlying respiratory condition. It can indicate asthma, COPD, lung infection, and pulmonary fibrosis. Chronic cough can also be a symptom of prolonged asbestos exposure in rare cases.

Lips or fingernails appear blue
Blue fingernails or lips are a symptom of cyanosis. It is a condition that occurs due to low oxygen levels in the blood. This happens when the function of the lungs is disrupted due to a respiratory disorder or disease. As a result, the lungs cannot draw in enough oxygen required by the body. Whenever one’s lips or fingernails appear bluer than usual, it is recommended to insult a medical practitioner, specifically a pulmonologist, immediately.

Chronic fatigue
Poor lung health can bring down the level of oxygen in one’s blood. Moreover, constant coughing, wheezing, and breathlessness can take a toll on the body. All of these factors can make one feel fatigued. When the symptoms become severe, the constant tiredness doesn’t disappear even after a restful sleep.

Frequent respiratory infections
Recurring lung infections can be a sign of poor lung health. One has a severe underlying lung condition when the symptoms of pneumonia or bronchitis return or do not go away for a long time. Frequent reinfections can also occur when the lungs’ airways are blocked by something, such as a clot or a tumor.

Coughing up blood
If one experiences this symptom, it is essential to seek immediate medical help. Blood in a cough is a sign of a severe health condition. In most cases, infections such as bronchitis can cause one to cough up blood. But in rare cases, lung cancer can also cause a person to experience this symptom. Similarly, it can indicate a more life-threatening condition, such as a pulmonary embolism requiring emergency care.

If any of the symptoms occur, prepare for a visit to the nearest healthcare professional. Make a list of all the prescriptions that you may be using. Also, note the symptoms you may have and note which ones trouble the most. This way, you can get a better diagnosis of the condition, also aiding the medical expert to formulate a proper treatment plan for you.