8 daycare problems parents need to recognize

8 daycare problems parents need to recognize

With our busy work lives today, it’s just not possible to care for children around the clock. This has led to a boom in childcare facilities, such as day boarding schools and daycare centers. While quality daycare facilities can help young ones with language development, peer bonding, and improved cognitive skills, there are several concerns associated with these centers. Here’s a list of eight daycare problems parents need to recognize.

Inadequate supervision
Inadequate supervision is one of the standout concerns among several daycare services. Children need to be watched all the time as they play, rest, or interact at a daycare. A provider who is short-staffed is unlikely to be able to manage all the students effectively. This may place an additional burden on the teaching staff or leave some children unaccounted for.

Before enrolling, parents must inquire about the daycare’s group size and caregiver-to-child ratio. Some experts say a caregiver-to-child ratio of 1:3 is ideal for infants and toddlers and 1:9 for older children. Volunteering at the center for a while or dropping in from time to time can give parents an idea of whether the daycare provides adequate supervision.

Untrained staff
The level of learning and development a child undergoes depends on the teacher’s qualifications. So, looking for daycare centers that have staff with an ECE certification (Early Childhood Education) is important. The staff must also be given training so that they are able to implement and follow health and safety practices to keep children safe. Remember, not all daycare centers adhere to these standards.

Besides checking the qualifications of the staff, parents should stay up to date with the daycare center’s employee training policy. One must also ask whether they can see the first aid and CPR cards of the staff to ensure their children are in safe hands.

Lack of nutritious food/food safety
There are several concerns about food choices and safety practices at daycare centers. Many serve only processed or ultra-processed foods instead of fresh, nutritious options. Parents must keep close tabs on the following:

  • Ensure the center has proper arrangements for the refrigeration of perishables.
  • For children with allergies, ask how the center works actively to prevent the risk of cross-contamination.
  • Check if the place has preventative measures in place, such as labeling, to avoid mixing of foods.
  • See whether the center cuts up food into bite-sized pieces before giving it to children to reduce the risk of choking.

Poor hygiene practices
Some daycare centers are notorious for spreading germs and diseases because they have a dirty environment and follow poor sanitation practices. Visiting such a facility could put one’s children at a greater risk of developing infections like colds, conjunctivitis, flu, and more.

Parents must visit the center to check whether it has proper cleanliness and hygiene policies in place. This includes regular hand washing for the staff and children, sanitization of diaper changing tables, disinfection of toys, etc. During a bout of sickness or ill health, children should be taken care of at home.

Overusing technology
Whether at daycare centers or home, most children are exposed to technology in the form of laptops, phones, televisions, tablets, or other devices. While this could set them up for efficient usage in the future, it could also lead to bad habits among children. If a daycare center heavily relies on technology to keep children engaged throughout the day and provide relief to their staff, parents should perceive it as a warning sign.

Lack of new skills/learning
Young children constantly learn from their surroundings and pick up new skills. However, if a child seems to stop reaching any learning milestones, it may be a red flag. This could be an indicator that the teachers at the daycare center are not engaging the child enough or not involving them in age-appropriate tasks to facilitate their learning.

Unexplained bumps and bruises
This can be really scary! While bumps and bruises are always a cause for concern, a lack of explanation may make it more worrisome. While children are bound to push, pull, tug, and sometimes get hurt while playing, teachers at daycare centers must account for these in daily reports to parents. An absence of these details could be a sign of disengaged or inattentive staff being hired at the center.

No background checks
Background checks are important for both parties—parents and daycare providers. Parents must verify that the center is a licensed and registered service provider by visiting the websites of government agencies. They must also periodically review its screening policies to keep their kids safe. While hiring, daycare centers should conduct a thorough check on their applicants, including a verification of their education, training, and experience, as well as a detailed criminal screening. This information must be shared with the parents so they can rest assured about their child’s well-being while they are away.

Even with the required licenses and registrations, some centers may just not fit right. If that occurs, it’s a good idea to keep looking for something better for one’s children. After all, it’s a matter of their health, safety, and all-round development!