Dental implants for seniors and their advantages

Dental implants for seniors and their advantages

Dental implants are artificial devices surgically attached to the jaw to replace the function of a lost tooth. It can also restore a person’s appearance if they have more than one tooth missing. While a person may lose teeth due to an injury or disease, seniors may lose them due to an accident, tooth decay, or gum disease. Dental implants are alternatives to removable dentures that help seniors maintain essential dental functions.

The connection between aging and dental health
As part of the natural aging process, dental health can impact our overall health more than we give credit for. After fifty, as our teeth start to wear out, we may need more time and effort to take care of them. Cavities begin to form more frequently, resulting in poor oral health, which can increase one’s risk of stroke, heart disease, and diabetes. The inability to chew properly can affect seniors’ nutritional intake too. In some cases, aged individuals might have difficulties in moving the food around or chewing it well, leading to indigestion and gastric problems.

Dental implants for seniors
Dental implants have three main components – the implant, the connector or the abutment, and the crown. The crown is a custom-made artificial tooth. The dental implant is a screw-like device that is fixed into the jawbone. An abutment is a component that connects the crown to the implant and keeps it fixed. Dentists accurately note the color of the teeth of a recipient and create an artificial crown to match the other teeth perfectly so that it does not look out of place.

The rate of tooth loss for seniors depends on their lifestyle, food habits, level of dental hygiene, and any existing comorbidity. The dentist will do a thorough dental examination using imaging tests like 3-D scans and X-Rays to accurately judge the health of one’s jawbone and gums and ensure they can support implants. They will also check vital parameters like blood pressure and sugar levels to examine if a person can undergo surgery. Plus, they will inform the patient about potential side effects and educate them on caring for the implants.

Once they are convinced that a person can have implants, they will schedule surgery which is the first step. The implant may take many weeks to fuse with the jawbone. The process is known as osseointegration. If it does not happen well, doctors may not proceed with the procedure and remove the implant.

If the osseointegration is successful, the dentist will place the abutment and the crown. They can make either one tooth implant or place a bridge containing multiple teeth if they need to replace more than one tooth. The entire procedure may take up to three months. Doctors may put one on a soft food meal plan until they get used to a new set of implants. Individuals will also have to visit the dentist’s office periodically to have their progress monitored.

Post-surgical care
Swelling and pain at the site of the implant are common. It is crucial to take the required precautions and follow the doctor’s prescription to prevent infection. During osseointegration, if the implant is lost, doctors may remove it. They will wait for some time to see if they can repeat the process. Gum recession could happen after the implants are fixed, where the gums around the implant begin to shrink, causing discomfort. Therefore, it is imperative to visit the doctor if any discomfort is noted.

Benefits of dental implants for seniors
Though the procedure looks daunting and time-consuming, the number of seniors who opt for dental implants is increasing. There are many obvious benefits that dental implants can bring not only to mouth health but also to overall health. Here are eight of the main benefits of dental implants for seniors.

In the case of dentures, healthy teeth may have to be removed to attach them. However, extraction is very rarely required in the case of implants. You can have an implant only for the tooth you have lost or, if necessary, multiple teeth. Doctors will do full mouth implants only when the upper jaw bone is not strong enough to support dental implants.

Guarantee of success
Doctors usually take time to decide about surgery on older patients considering their age and overall health. But in the case of dental implants, age is not a criterion for the procedure. Research says implants in seniors, even after age 80, have the same success if done on a person who is 60. Hence seniors can opt for this procedure without any anxiety.

Permanent teeth replacement
Unlike removable dentures, dental implants are permanent fixtures. Though it takes time, it is not as uncomfortable as it seems so. You no longer have to worry if your dentures will fall out while speaking, laughing or eating.

Though dental implants may be more expensive than dentures, they work out cheaper in the long run because there is no need for regular replacements in case they break or get damaged. You also don’t have to visit the dentist often, resulting in considerable savings in the dentist’s fees. With almost no risk of damage, there are fewer costs involved.

Better ability to chew food
One impact of aging or losing teeth is the inability to chew food well. With implants, your ability to bite and chew food is taken care of, and you can eat what you like without discomfort. This reduces the scope for digestion and gastric-related issues.

Better oral hygiene
Dental implants are safe and strong, and seniors can brush them without worrying about damaging them. You can maintain better oral hygiene and not worry about stained teeth or bad breath.

Improved self-esteem
Loss of a tooth can affect a person’s smile and speech. It is possible that a few may feel conscious about their appearance or may hesitate to speak in a group. Dental implants help in bringing your natural appearance back. With the ability to chew normally, it can also help in restoring your health. Cumulatively, it helps seniors look and feel good.

Prevention of periodontitis
The tooth keeps the jawbone strong. When a person loses their teeth, it causes weakening and disintegration of the bones in that part of the jaw. Since implants are fixed to the jaw bone, they keep the bones strong and prevent periodontitis or bone loss.