Do Not Ignore These 7 Headache Symptoms

Do Not Ignore These 7 Headache Symptoms

Headaches can be difficult to categorize because their symptoms and level of pain can differ from one person to the next. An individual may experience painful symptoms of migraines (a type of headache), while others may find their condition moderate. Sometimes people may develop constant headaches even if they have never experienced the sensation before. In this situation, individuals should visit a healthcare expert to check if the signs are indicators of other complications.

Headache with sudden fever
While the symptoms of headaches, including migraines, are treatable with prescriptions or adequate rest, one may require a professional diagnosis if one runs a fever simultaneously. A few with a headache usually indicates that the patient has a sinus infection. It could also mean that the individual is at risk of a more severe condition like meningitis (stiffness of the neck) or encephalitis (an infection of the brain), which may cause confusion and difficulty with speech. These conditions can turn severe if left untreated. Moreover, older individuals have weaker immune systems and are at a greater risk of developing these infections.

A “thunderclap” onset
A “thunderclap” onset refers to a headache that develops suddenly. Individuals susceptible to this phenomenon usually describe it as one of the worst pains they have experienced. The pain in a thunderclap onset may begin when the patient exerts themselves physically. It is usually triggered because of a ruptured blood vessel in the brain (aneurysm). Seeking immediate treatment is vital because the ruptured aneurysm leads to bleeding that may endanger a person’s life. Apart from the thunderclap, an individual may also be prone to an altered mental state and stiffness in their neck.

Headache after starting a new prescription
Healthcare professionals may indicate prescriptions to manage an individual’s health condition. But these remedies usually lead to side effects such as headaches. In this situation, patients seek alternative treatments to alleviate the pain and take multiple prescriptions at once. However, doing so may lead to further health complications. Instead, someone who develops a headache after taking a pill should consult with their doctor about it and work with them toward a solution. A few common treatments that result in symptoms of headaches, like migraines, include prescriptions for the heart and antidepressants.

Tenderness or pain in the temple
A headache where an individual experiences a throbbing sensation concentrated in the temple region may indicate the onset of temporal arteritis (giant cell arteritis). This condition is generally seen in people over 50, where the blood vessels in the head are inflamed. Women are more likely to develop this condition than men. Other symptoms that may indicate temporal arteritis include trouble chewing, fatigue, vision changes, jaw pain, scalp or temples tenderness, and flu-like symptoms. The headaches caused by temporal arteritis may worsen with time or recur occasionally. Therefore, one needs to get the condition diagnosed and treated by a healthcare professional.

Headache following a head injury
Head injuries usually lead to pain and even aching sensations. But sometimes, an individual who injures their head may experience headaches hours or days after the incident. The phenomenon might be a potential indicator of bleeding inside the skull, known as a subdural hematoma. The individuals may be susceptible to delayed bleeding, especially if they are on blood thinners. Older individuals who are not on prescriptions and still develop a headache after a fall should be treated immediately. One should also look for other signs of hematoma, such as weakness, fainting, and confusion.

Vision problems
If a person experiences pain around one eye that is accompanied by vision problems, it may indicate acute glaucoma (closed-angle glaucoma). The health condition results in the sudden buildup of pressure or fluid in the eye that may damage the optic nerve. So if an individual notices such pain during headaches and simultaneous vision loss, they should visit a healthcare expert immediately. Not doing so may result in complete loss of vision within 48 hours.

Headache in the morning
Getting sufficient rest and waking up fresh in the morning ensures that the body is charged up for taking on the tasks for the day. However, some people may develop sleep apnea, which is the repeated stopping and starting of breathing while they sleep. This may disrupt their sleep cycle and lead to a morning headache that may improve as the day progresses. The individual may also feel tired during the day. One must undergo a diagnosis and seek adequate treatment if one suspects sleep apnea. Doing so may reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke. A morning headache might indicate other underlying conditions, including neck arthritis or a brain tumor.

One can look for prescriptions to relieve pain-caused migraines or other headaches online. But along with treatments, one should consult with their healthcare provider about alternative remedies to manage the pain. A few common and popular remedies include:

Staying hydrated
Drinking sufficient amounts of water can prevent dehydration, a common trigger of headaches. Apart from this benefit, staying hydrated may also help reduce the duration, occurrence, and severity of headaches in certain individuals.

Get sufficient sleep
The lack of sleep is a common cause of several health complications, including headaches. Therefore, one should ensure at least eight hours of sleep daily. But one should not exceed the number of hours one sleeps, as sleeping too much may also trigger headaches.

Avoid high-histamine foods
Histamine is a naturally occurring chemical in the human body that manages the digestive, immune, and nervous systems. However, excessive amounts of the chemical may lead to migraines in individuals sensitive to it. So cutting down on, or avoiding histamine-rich foods like aged cheese, fermented foods, and processed meats, may help manage migraine symptoms.

Try essential oils
Concentrated aromatic compounds extracted from various plants are used to make essential oils. And studies show that diffusion of such oils, including eucalyptus, lavender, and peppermint, may help alleviate the symptoms of various types of headaches. After consulting a trained specialist, one could also rub the oil on their wrists or temples.