Multiple Sclerosis- Early Warning Signs and Management

Multiple Sclerosis- Early Warning Signs and Management

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a severe illness that impacts the brain and spinal cord. Here, the immune system destroys the protective sheath (myelin) that protects nerve fibers, causing communication issues between the brain and the rest of the body. MS signs and symptoms vary significantly between patients and are determined by the location and intensity of nerve fiber damage. Keep reading to understand the early warning signs of MS, its treatments, and its causes.

Early warning signs of MS

Optic neuritis
This illness harms the nerve that connects the eye to the brain. It usually only affects one eye but can damage both in rare scenarios. Moreover, it might cause eye pain, especially while moving the eyes, blurred vision, and make colors appear dull.

Numbness and tingling
Leg discomfort is another typical symptom. Individuals suffering from this condition may experience an electric shock-like sensation when moving their head or neck. This sensation may extend to the spine and into the arms or legs. It’s usually nothing to worry about if the sensation disappears in an hour or two. However, it is best to consult a doctor if the tingling continues over a few days.

Bowel and bladder issues
People suffering from this illness may frequently urinate throughout the day and at night. Additionally, completely emptying the bladder can be difficult. Constipation and other bowel issues are common indicators of this condition.

Lack of coordination
MS can make movement difficult and interfere with daily activities. For example, it could cause changes in gait patterns, difficulty maintaining balance, and difficulty walking. In addition, it causes giddiness, muscle weakness, and spasms, making a person extremely clumsy.

Emotional changes
Any chronic illness can make a person feel extremely stressed out and anxious. Multiple sclerosis harms the body and leads to unbalanced emotions. The condition also weakens the nerve fibers in the brain, which can strongly impact emotions.

Extreme tiredness, weak muscles, slowed thinking, and sleepiness is common symptoms. These symptoms are unrelated to the amount of work done in a day, and a person may feel extremely tired all day despite doing nothing.

Cognitive problems
People with MS frequently experience some form of cognitive dysfunction. Symptoms include memory problems, attention span issues, and difficulty concentrating. It may also lead to other mental health conditions.

Relapsing multiple sclerosis
Various types of MS affect patients in different ways. One such type is relapsing MS, wherein the patient relapses or experiences flare-ups of the symptoms. In between these flare-ups, there may be periods of recovery or remission. Most MS patients begin developing the condition as a relapsing-remitting disease. After a few decades, the condition’s course usually shifts and worsens. MS is most common in people in their twenties and thirties. Studies indicate that women are more prone to this illness than men.

Cause of multiple sclerosis
The cause of multiple sclerosis is unknown. This condition is classified as an autoimmune disorder because the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues. Multiple sclerosis is caused by an immune system malfunction that destroys the fatty substance that covers and safeguards the nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord, preventing active communication between the brain and the body. Although the exact cause of MS is unknown, a person may be at risk for developing the condition due to environmental and genetic factors.

Diagnosis of multiple sclerosis
To determine the trigger factors leading to MS, a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis frequently relies on ruling out other illnesses that could produce similar signs and symptoms. Healthcare experts may suggest the tests listed below to diagnose the condition.

Blood test
Blood tests are used to rule out conditions sharing symptoms of MS. Tests are currently underway to find the precise detection of elements that may indicate MS to help in the treatment and diagnosis of this illness.

An MRI brain scan can detect MS-related lesions in the cervical and thoracic spinal cord. The patient receives an intravenous injection of a contrast material to highlight lesions that indicate the condition is active.

Spinal tap
During a spinal tap (lumbar puncture), a small sample of cerebrospinal fluid is drawn from the spinal canal for laboratory testing. This sample might detect abnormalities in MS-related antibodies. A spinal tap can rule out infections and other conditions with comparable symptoms.

Evoked potential test
Evoked potential testing comes in a variety of forms. The most typical type evaluates the eyes’ functionality. Light patterns are displayed to the eyes while the brainwaves are measured using little, sticky patches called electrodes taped to the head. It’s a simple test that can reveal whether the brain processes messages more slowly than usual.

There is no known cure for this illness. The primary goals of MS treatment are to manage symptoms, slow disease progression, and prevent relapses. Some patients show minor symptoms that do not necessitate healthcare intervention. Other physical treatments that help manage the signs and symptoms are listed below.

A physical or occupational therapist can demonstrate using devices to make daily tasks more manageable and less painful. Leg weakness and other gait issues frequently associated with MS can also be managed with physical therapy and a mobility aid, as needed.

For people with mild to moderate MS, regular exercise can improve their balance, coordination, strength, and muscle tone. Swimming or other water exercises are good options if someone has a heat intolerance. Other mild- to moderate-intensity exercise suggestions for MS patients include walking, stretching, low-impact aerobics, stationary cycling, and tai chi.

Relieving stress
Some people with MS may experience worsening symptoms when the body temperature rises. Limiting exposure to heat and using tools such as cooling scarves or vests can also help. Stress can also cause or aggravate your symptoms. Massage, meditation, or deep breathing exercises may help keep the symptoms at bay.