Scoliosis – Symptoms and best and worst food choices

Scoliosis – Symptoms and best and worst food choices

Scoliosis is a spinal condition where the spine curves sideways, predominantly in adolescents. Even though it is most commonly associated with people suffering from muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy, the reasons for childhood scoliosis remain largely unknown. In most cases, the condition remains in the mild category. However, if scoliosis deteriorates, the spinal curvature worsens, leading to several other complications, such as permanent disabling, excessive pressure on the chest, and others.

Symptoms of scoliosis
Even though in the case of scoliosis, the curvature of the spine is obvious, this condition can reflect some other significant symptoms, such as:

The affected person may have an uneven shoulder structure.
The shoulder blade of one side may appear more prominent than the others.
The waist structure may seem uneven.
One hip can be positioned higher than the other.
One side of the rib cage will seem to be jutting forward.
Sometimes, the spine may rotate or twist along the curve, etc.

If you notice such curves or signs in your child, you shouldn’t delay in consulting a doctor. Sometimes, these symptoms may not be visible initially but grow gradually. The earlier you spot these issues, the better treatment the patient can receive.

Scoliosis and food options
The condition may have some treatment options available, but it is not curable. An individual affected by scoliosis can only manage the symptoms and associated side effects throughout their life. However, choosing specific meal plans can minimize one’s condition and pain. According to professionals, efficient food options and nutrients can play a significant part in managing a condition like scoliosis. According to professionals, efficient food options and nutrients can play a significant part in managing a condition like scoliosis. Once the diagnosis is made, your doctors can consider any other issues you might have and accordingly help outline a list of the best and worst foods for managing scoliosis. That said, here are some typical nutritional dos and don’ts linked to the condition.

Vitamin B12 is essential for scoliosis patients. This vitamin helps produce neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin which are required for movement, coordination, emotions, and metabolism.
Since neurotransmitter deficiency and scoliosis are linked, food items enriched with amino acids can help the body produce neurotransmitters effectively.
You will also find the problem of low bone density in scoliosis patients. Food items replete with vitamins and minerals can fill this gap and help the body function efficiently.
You must stay hydrated if diagnosed with scoliosis. Hydration helps the spinal cord maintain adequate fluid levels in intervertebral discs. These discs ensure the spine can work optimally with structural support.

The best food items for the scoliosis patients
If one is diagnosed with scoliosis, it is crucial to learn about the different food options available and how to eat them. An adequate meal plan, along with treatment and therapy, can help you recover from the worst symptoms of this condition. Some of the best foods for managing scoliosis are:

Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are a great way to provide the required nutrients and vitamins to combat scoliosis. They contain fiber that remains absent in most meal plans. You must consume fresh vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, avocados, carrots, kale, and fruits such as oranges, peaches, celery, and pears.
Fresh meats
When it comes to food options to help treat scoliosis, you must avoid any processed food items. You should opt for non-processed meat, such as beef, chicken, turkey, and fish, which can provide essential protein to the body.
Foods containing calcium and vitamin D
The bone gets severely affected in scoliosis, making it crucial for one to increase their calcium intake. Some food items containing calcium are poppy, sesame, celery, and chia seeds. You can also consume beans and lentils to strengthen your body with this mineral. Coming to vitamin D, you must consume food like eggs, fish, and mushrooms daily.
Even though water is not food, it is critical for scoliosis patients. Water helps maintain the body’s systems in an efficient working capacity. Hydration is mandatory for people affected with scoliosis.

The worst food choices for managing scoliosis
Every disease has a certain restriction in terms of consumption, and if you are diagnosed with scoliosis, you must follow a strict meal chart. Foods loaded with sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats are easy to find but can affect your health significantly. The food items that you must exclude from your meal plan are as follows:

Fast food items that are highly processed must be avoided.
You must avoid drinks like soda pop if you have scoliosis.
You must ensure that food containing corn syrup is not in your meal plan because it has high fructose.
Soy products can be detrimental to your health if you have scoliosis.

Tips to follow to recover from scoliosis
As mentioned earlier, scoliosis is treatable but not curable. However, if you remain strict with the meal plan and resort to a healthy lifestyle, you can counteract the problem of scoliosis better. You can follow the below-mentioned tips in this matter –

It is imperative to consult the doctors when you suspect the symptoms.
Aside from following the treatment methodology prescribed by the doctor, stick to a strict meal plan as charted out by a nutritionist. Do not make any drastic changes to your food regime before speaking to a professional.
Avoid all the food items rich in fat and excess carbohydrates.
You can consult a chiropractor if the need arises. This therapy can help relieve pain in the muscles. However, everything must be done under professional, trained supervision.
Regular visits to the doctor, even after the initial stage of treatment has passed, helps the professionals monitor your condition and suggest better options and meal plans.
Since scoliosis is chronic, you can encourage your loved ones to join a support group.